When you go out on your electric bike for pleasure or perhaps sometimes necessity, you will find that your normal basic clothing will not do. You need to wear specific clothes for the environment and clothing that helps in various ways while you are cycling. These days, there are tons of options to consider and choose from but here are a few of the basic guidelines to help you select what to wear on an e-bike so you’re prepared and comfortable. It’s important to think about these choices if you plan on making an electric bike part of your lifestyle.
Think Warm But Not Too Warm
Does that sound a bit of a contradiction? It basically means you want to wear what is suitable for the weather but not the extremes of the climate or temperature.
For example, you want to protect your body against wind in intense cold. However, you will still be exerting energy if pedalling and you will produce sweat. When this happens, you are adding a layer of dampness to your body that might not be able to escape if trapped by the wrong clothing. This could cause health issues and isn’t good for you, particularly after some time out cycling on your electric bike. In this situation, you’re better choosing a jacket and bottoms made from a fabric such as Gore-Tex or material with similar properties. This type of attire will keep you warm, shield you from the wind but still allow your skin to breath so you aren’t sweating and causing health risks. However, you’ll still feel warm and protected.
Layer Your Clothes
One of the most important things is to layer what you’re wearing. You want to make sure that you can take off or add on anything that you need as you are cycling. If it gets too cold for you, have a jacket that can be slipped on easily. If you are too warm, carry a small pack or bag that you can put the excess in. This is vital to ensure that you are feeling good and that you are adapting to the climate safely.
Keep It Simple
All of your chosen apparel and accessory add-ons should be as compact as possible. You should be able to add them to a pack without increasing much weight. This means buying the most lightweight, comfortable and weatherproof gear available. Finding these can take a while. For instance, most cycling outfits are made of light material but they may hold onto water and/or not dry quickly enough. This adds to the weight if you run into rain. Read the item descriptions thoroughly and product reviews can also be helpful.
Keep the weight of the clothes in mind, the length of your journey, whether or not you’re staying overnight outdoors/indoors, other essentials and any carrying accessories you need.
Although a little time-consuming, it can be fun researching what to wear on an e-bike and it should certainly help you avoid costly mistakes both to your enjoyment, well-being and your wallet!